
Relational databases

Another VHOST change

With my Drupal 6 installation upgraded to the latest patch level, I've decided to make an effort and move the last Drupal 4 site up to Drupal 6 by Christmas. As I commented before, this isn't an easy task, as the site has a fair amount of content that I don't want to lose, and uses features that I don't want to disable. And I can't move directly to Drupal 6; I have to transition through Drupal 5 first.

The move will occur in two parts:

  1. move the site from Drupal 4 to Drupal 5, and get most of the bugs out there, and

More Vhost changes

I mentioned before that I was going to rebuild my partner's website in Drupal 6 rather than migrate it from Drupal 4. And that I did. But, as any man can tell you, it is a woman's prerogative to change her mind, and this website rebuild was no exception.

VHost Changes

This week, I started the long-ish process of upgrading my websites from a very backlevel Drupal 4 to Drupal 6. With 6 domains on Drupal 4 (and a new one already on Drupal 6), this augers to be a time-consuming project. But, I've got the time.


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