
The Rowetel IP04 Asterisk Appliance

IP04 Adventures - Day 1

A bit of backstory first; about a week ago, I ordered an IP04 4-port PBX from rowetel.com. The IP04 uses a "Blackfin" microprocessor, ucLinux, and Asterisk to provide a fully "open source" (both software and hardware) PBX, for about CAD $500. Comparable commercial units usually price in the thousands (if not tens-of-thousands) of dollars, making this a really great deal... if it works.

So, I ordered one (with one FXO and three FXS ports), and about a week later, guess what shows up at my door. David Rowe (the guy behind rowetel.com and an integral part of the Village Telco mesh wifi voip project) had shipped the device to me via EMS courier. And that brings up to today.


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