
The physical arrangement of computer equipment and wiring in a building

IP04 Progress

Since I wrote my "IP04 and Me" blog post, I've made remarkable progress. My home phones now run completely under the control of the IP04, and I have that virtual receptionist I've been working towards.


A couple of weeks ago, I bought myself a Pogoplug (V2, gray) to try out. The PogoPlug comes with an embedded linux system, and is set up to externalize (through any USB storage device you connect to it. I wasn't as much interested in the services of as I was in using the device as a general-purpose linux system.

System Configuration: 

Thoughts on a home PBX

My adventures with the IP04 have temporarily stalled as I start to think of how I want to use it in my home. I started off playing with the extensions, and quickly bogged down as I looked at all the various options I had. So, I'm taking a break and looking at this from a different angle.

System Management: 
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